Welcome Back To Nomadic Supply Co.

Here we are at the end of 2022. What a hell of a year it has been. Though we can reminisce about the year, we would like to look forward to the future. So, let's talk about what we have planned for 2023.

First, this new website was incredibly important for us. The purpose of this move was to help our fellow nomads have a better experience when visiting our website. And it doesn't stop here. We are currently working on yet another website for you all. This one will be more than a store. It will be a place for everyone to come and hang out. Something like a coffee shop on the internet. As we move close to rollin' that out, we will give more detail about it.

Second, we want to provide you all with more content from our day to day lives as the founders of Nomadic Supply Co. We believe that doing so will provide a better context of the lifestyle we are trying to provide. With that said, give us a f*ckin' follow! 

Lastly, and most importantly, the products. We have always been a quality over quantity type of company. And we plan to keep up with this standard. We will continue to test our products and ensure that they are the best of the best for a price that wont break the bank. Yes, it is a challenge to provide a perfect product for cheap. But we will absolutely do our best. And be transparent while doing so.

I'm sure I've missed a lot of sh*t, but this is the brunt of the information we have at this time. 

We love ya and can't wait to take you all along with us on this journey.

- Jacob

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